

People. Planet. Prosperity.

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Salsas e ingredientes frescos y orgánicos en el restaurante Cancún en Berkeley.

Local group promotes green vision for business and community ---   
Jorge Saldaña, owner, chef, and farmer behind Cancun restaurant in Berkeley, can still picture his mother in his family’s kitchen cooking for him and his nine siblings. Originally from Guadalajara Mexico, Saldaña dedicated many meals to perfecting the taste of his mother’s home-cooked dishes. He is also dedicated to using the freshest ingredients, which are delivered from his organic farm in Sonoma.

BART llega a negocios hispanos

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Los hispanos están abriendo negocios en una tasa casi tres veces mayor que el promedio nacional, de acuerdo con los datos más recientes del Censo de EE.UU. Un creciente número de organizaciones están trayendo recursos para ayudar a los empresarios hispanos a empezar, operar y expandir su negocio.

Los hispanos están abriendo negocios en una tasa casi tres veces mayor que el promedio nacional, de acuerdo con los datos más recientes del Censo de EE.UU. Lo que alguna vez se consideraba un grupo minoritario ahora representa el segmento de la economía nacional que crece más rápido.

Los negocios cuyos propietarios son hispanos representan el 16.5 por ciento de todos los negocios en California, un hecho bien conocido por las dependencias gubernamentales y las organizaciones privadas.

Adelante y levantando la voz: Latina hace un llamado a la acción

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Graciela Tiscareño-Sato (derecha) en un reciente evento saluda a una estudiante de la universidad. Foto: Chandler Prude

La población hispana de los Estados Unidos creció un 43 por ciento en la última década, sobrepasando los 50 millones. Una proyección del Censo estima que uno de tres residentes de EE.UU. será hispano para el año 2050.

La población hispana está creciendo rápidamente pero únicamente el 13 por ciento de los hispanos tiene una licenciatura o nivel de educación superior en comparación con el 28 por ciento de la población total de EE.UU. Aún más alarmante resulta el hecho de que cerca del 38 por ciento de los hispanos cuenta con menos de un diploma de preparatoria.

Stepping forward and speaking up: A Latina’s call to action

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Graciela Tiscareño-Sato (right) at a recent event presenting her book, ‘Latinnovating’. Photo: Chandler Prude

The Hispanic population in the United States grew by 43 percent in the last decade, surpassing 50 million. A Census Bureau projection estimates that one in three U.S. residents will be Hispanic by the year 2050.

The Hispanic population is growing rapidly but only 13 percent of Hispanics have a bachelor's degree or higher education versus 28 percent for the entire U.S. population. More alarming is the fact that about 38 percent of Hispanics have less than a high school diploma.

BART reaches out to Hispanic-owned businesses

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Hispanics are opening businesses at a rate almost three times higher than the national average, according to the most recent U.S. Census data. Now many Hispanic businesses are in the process of learning how to participate in the bidding, award and administration of contracts with government agencies and large companies.

Hispanics are opening businesses at a rate almost three times higher than the national average, according to the most recent U.S. Census data. What was once regarded as a minority group now represents the fastest-growing segment of the nation’s economy.

Hispanic-owned businesses represent 16.5 percent of all businesses in California, a fact that well known by government agencies and private organizations. A growing number of organizations are bringing resources to help Hispanic entrepreneurs start, operate and grow their business.

Celebrating Oakland’s revolutionaries

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Alfonso Dominguez and Sarah Filley are founders of popuphood, a small business incubator revitalizing Oakland neighborhoods. Popuphood is one of 600 people and businesses that have been nominated for the Oakland Indie Awards, which celebrate the revolutionary spirit of entrepreneurs.

Oakland´s reputation is built upon many things - some that are true, some that are untrue, and some that are so obviously true…at least for people who care to look. The revolutionary spirit of the city´s businesses and artists is one of the in-your-face truths that define the city and its culture. Despite the great challenges the city has faced for many years, there is a well-fueled vibrancy in its people and places.