

Bad day for California women politicos

Mary Theroux Print Email

The U.S. Senate has been termed “The Most Exclusive Club,” and with good reason: the power and benefits are enormous. Today, Sen. Dianne Feinstein is again in a spotlight for the benefits that have accrued to her husband from her access to such power:

Dos cumbres

Alberto Schlesinger Vélez Print Email


La primera, el G-20 y la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN). La segunda, América Latina. En ambos escenarios el presidente de Estados Unidos tuvo su presentación en sociedad, dentro de los conflictos más graves de los que se tenga memoria y amenazas reales que ponen en jaque la


Hard choices for Oakland

Clinton Killian Print Email


Oakland’s deficit is quickly becoming a huge concern for the city. It's now estimated at $70 million and growing. The deficit has been driven larger because the two primary sources of tax revenue, property and sales taxes, are hit the hardest by this economic downturn. There's less property selling


The truth about A’s baseball leaving Oakland

John Russo Print Email

Oakland A’s managing partner Lew Wolff is a talented and smart businessman.      

But if Wolff thinks anybody is buying his sob story about why the A’s have to leave Oakland, he’s seriously underestimating the intelligence of the