Formando unidad a partir de un mundo desunificado
Cristin Smith, de 35 años, trabaja en la cocina del restaurante Delancey Street con otros reclusos en la prisión estatal de California, Solano en Vacaville. Fotos: Florence Middleton   A través de muchas puertas de metal, a través de un patio de ...
Novedoso método de control de plagas de fresas único en California
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California aprueba normativas que convierten las aguas residuales en agua potable
  En un hito para la creación de una nueva e importante fuente de agua potable, California aprobó sus primeras normas para convertir las aguas residuales en suministros de agua potable para hogares y empresas.La Junta Estatal de Control de Recursos ...
In this California prison, inmates who operate a restaurant for their guards and others ‘rely on each other’
Cristin Smith, 35, works in the Delancey Street Restaurant kitchen with other inmates at the California State Prison, Solano in Vacaville. Photo: Florence Middleton   Through many metal gates, across an active exercise yard, past cyclone fences...
San Leandro lanza programa de asistencia de seguridad para pequeñas empresas
  San Leandro ha lanzado un nuevo Programa de Asistencia de Seguridad para Pequeñas Empresas para beneficiar a las empresas de San Leandro que requieran tomar medidas de seguridad.

Bay Area Hispanics rewarded for university research study

16 August 2021 Elena Miramar Print Email
Dementia caregivers Dementia caregivers Bay Area dementia among Hispanics dementia research study

The University of Alabama at Birmingham is reaching out to Bay Area Hispanics for a new research study focused on caregivers of people with dementia. Through a targeted ad campaign, the university is looking to enroll caregivers in the study and compensate them for their participation.

Conducted by the university’s School of Nursing, the study is titled, ‘Understanding the Day-to-Day Experiences of Dementia Caregivers’. The purpose of the study is to learn more about the day-to-day experiences of dementia caregivers, including how often certain behaviors happen, and situations that are stressful. The information from caregivers will help the university provide better support in the future to other caregivers and better care and support for people with dementia.

The university is looking for participants who are age 18+ and provide unpaid care or assistance to a person with dementia to participate. The caregiver needs to live with the person with dementia. Participants will be compensated for their time depending on how many surveys they complete. Compensation is sent by email in the form of amazon e-gift cards.

More information here in English:, and Spanish: