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Fear vs. knowledge

Elena Miramar Print Email

I am originally from México, where intervention by the government is very strong and unfortunately very frequent. About every six years (every presidential term) the government has to “rescue” or “fix” the financial system. Usually the government sells the idea

to the Mexicans that they are fixing the problem and the abuses of the past administration. And that the intervention is needed or there will be more poverty, fewer jobs and opportunities. The truth is that the interventions did not help, they just created a feeling from the community that such action is needed every term. It only allows the abuse and the carelessness of politicians and financial entities. They can do what they want and be irresponsible because the money from tax payers is going to be there to help them every time they need it.

In Mexico, other government ‘remedies’ only worsened the economic problems. Many times, even before I moved to America, I have referred to the U.S. as an example of personal and financial freedom. The “invisible hand” of Adam Smith does not work in such a country, I used to say. I know now that I can’t say that anymore. The huge ‘bailout’ intervention just approved by the U.S. government made me feel mad but ultimate very sad.

What I see is that we are losing little by little not only our ability to discern and question issues, but also our ability to discuss issues with each other without getting mad or defending a position that we don’t understand completely. But my biggest concern is that we are letting the government to rule and control more and more our lives. And when the two main political parties agree on anything – war, immigration, or finances, I know their first concern is not the people. Especially in an election year.

A Pew Hispanic survey revealed that two-thirds of Americans (67%) say that they feel angry about the government's bailout plan, and half (51%) admit they are scared. Many report being confused (42%), while relatively few (30%) describe themselves as optimistic.

I have written about the power of fear before because I see it being used everywhere and I want people to be more aware of it. “Knowledge is Power” is Visión Hispana’s main message. I know it is not easy to have understanding of every issue or event, but if we’re not paying attention and doing our best to inform ourselves, we will be easy victims of fear.

¡Conocimiento es poder!