San Leandro prepara el primer Plan de Acción apto para las personas mayores de la ciudad
  Se invita a los residentes a participar en una breve encuesta para conocer sus prioridades y preferencias para proyectos y políticas específicos aptos para las personas mayores  Al participar, automáticamente entrarán en una rifa para ganar u...
Novedoso método de control de plagas de fresas único en California
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California aprueba normativas que convierten las aguas residuales en agua potable
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San Leandro lanza programa de asistencia de seguridad para pequeñas empresas
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Lo que nos dicen los rituales del solsticio de invierno sobre los pueblos indígenas
Los Zuni creen que sus ceremonias son necesarias no sólo para el bienestar de la tribu sino para el mundo entero.   El día del solsticio de invierno, muchas comunidades nativas americanas celebrarán ceremonias religiosas o eventos comunitarios....

Easy effort avoids hard life

Elena Miramar Print Email

Making a small effort to find an opportunity that can change your life and your family’s lives is the smartest investment anyone will make. Our lead story in this issue about Edalid Berumen and the Fruitvale Academy is a great example of turning a small effort into a large benefit.

When her baby Cynthia was born, Edalid thought she was on her way to being a high-school dropout with few opportunities in her future. She wanted to stay in school, but it didn’t look possible.

Edalid’s mother, Andrea, believed strongly in the importance of education and refused to just let her daughter’s education end. Andrea did what many people do not do – she took some initiative and effort to find an opportunity. She went to the Oakland school district office to ask about options. Ultimately, it led her to learn about The Fruitvale Academy, which is now helping Edalid get her high school diploma and providing daycare at no cost. Andrea’s small effort will make a big difference in her family’s future. It will probably make the biggest difference for baby Cynthia’s future.

Finding this kind of an opportunity is not difficult at all – there are so many programs and organizations helping people in need. Being connected and involved with your community makes it even easier to find such opportunities. When you get involved, opportunities often find us with no effort on our part! The most difficult part of finding any opportunity is to just make some effort, which isn’t difficult at all. It’s especially not difficult when you’re doing it for your family and it will benefit the whole community.

Opportunities are everywhere. Whether it’s for education, love, health or wealth, opportunities surround us every day. Where will you put your effort today?